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Oct 27, 2015

Giving Thanks With The Fillmore, Silver Spring

The Fillmore Silver Spring will be hosting its 4th Annual Giving Thanks event in partnership with Shepherd’s Table this coming Thanksgiving Day from 10am – 2pm.

We are inviting those in need in our community to come enjoy seasonal treats, live music and a cornucopia of generosity for assembling take-away care packages complete with food, toiletries and more!

The Fillmore will be taking donations of food, clothing and toiletries onsite from November 2 – November 25, Monday – Friday from 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. We will also be happy to take donations anytime we are open for a show! See below for a list of donated items we are collecting.

All of our event volunteer spaces are currently filled, but if you are interested in donating your time, please feel free to set up donation boxes at your work, school or church!

Donated items we are looking for:

<p><b>REUSABLE BAGS</b></p>
<p>Dried fruit</p>
<p>Granola bars</p>
<p>Peanut Butter</p>
<p>Fruit preserves</p>
<p>Oatmeal packets</p>
<p>Rice Packets</p>
<p>Whole grain crackers</p>
<p>Individually packaged snacks</p>
<p>Cheese crackers, peanut butter crackers</p>
<p>Non-refrigerated pudding cups</p>
<p>Non-refrigerated Jello</p>
<p>Cereal bars</p>
<p>Fruit cups</p>
<p>Baby food</p>
<p>Plastic veggie containers</p>
<p>Juice boxes</p>
<p>Bottles of water</p>
<p>Pasta, Pasta sauce</p>
<p>Plastic eating utensils</p>
<p>Tuna/chicken meal kits</p>
<p>Instant potatoes</p>
<p>Mac & Cheese</p>
<p>*Canned foods are welcome, not preferred</p>
<p>Body wash</p>
<p>Reading glasses</p>
<p>*Travel size toiletries preferred</p>
<p>New socks</p>
<p>New underwear</p>
<p>New blankets</p>
<p>New pillows</p>
<p>Baby clothes</p>
<p>Long Sleeve Shirts</p>
<p>Long johns</p>
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