B2R Awarded Best Music Instruction For Families
Thanks To Your Vote, We Won!
The results are in . . . your choices of the region’s best– merchants, restaurants, venues and organizations. We’ve tabulated the entries from thousands of regional families and included votes from across the US and even a few from around the globe. And here are YOUR choices of the BEST OF THE BEST!
You’ve told us where you shop, relax, and dine. Your favorite doctors. The best parks to explore. Where you go to get away. Rainy day favorites and quick cuisine locations. This year was a record setting year for the number of nominees with over 16,000 nominations submitted! There is so much in this area that is worth trying. Here is what our readers consider “The Best.”
The leader in each category is listed at the top, with other top nominees listed below in alphabetical order.
Best Music Instruction – Bach to Rock
Bach to Rock is the Music School for students of all ages. B2R’s unique method is based on the knowledge that students learn best when they join together to play the music they like the most. We believe that learning to play music should be fun; afterall, it’s called “play” for a reason! Private music lesson, group lesson, rock band, glee group, and more! Programs available for ages 3.5 and up.