B2R News

Category: mtjuliet

Feb 09, 2023

Songwriting Checklist: 10 Essential Components to a Song

You may be wondering what actually goes into creating a song. If you take out the lyrics and an instrument or two, what are you left with? How do you piece everything together to create something amazing that people want to listen to over and over? Understanding the various components of a song can help students and parents alike gain a deeper appreciation for music and the creative process. In songwriting lessons at Bach to 

Jan 05, 2023

Why is Music Education Important?

Music education is more than just learning how to play an instrument or sing in tune. It provides a channel for self-expression, an opportunity to learn discipline and teamwork, and 

Oct 04, 2022

Growing Up with Bach to Rock

Tyler H., age 10, plays guitar and drums and is enrolled in lessons for guitar, drums and band. He makes use of his multi-instrumental skills at Bach to Rock summer