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Aug 08, 2024

Student of the Month – Archer F

Archer FOur Student of the Month (July 2024) is Archer F., who takes Bass lessons at Bach to Rock East Marietta. Read the Q&As below to find out more about him!

Q: What inspired you to play music?

A: My friends

Q: What is your favorite style of music?

A:  My favorite style of music is Rock Music

Q: Who is your favorite artist and why?

A: Jackson 5, because I like their dance moves

Q: What is your favorite song to play?

A: Renegade by Styx

Q: What are you learning right now in your lessons?

A: How to play Slides on my Bass

Archer FQ: What are you most looking forward to learning/performing?

A: Renegade by Styx

Q: What’s your favorite thing about Bach to Rock?

A: Everything

Q: What is your favorite thing about your teacher?

A:  Mr. Bryan is super nice.

Q: What do you enjoy doing when you’re not playing music?

A: Video games, practicing my music, karate, swimming, and dancing.

Mr. Bryan has been Archer’s Bass Teacher since May 2023, and has shared his thoughts on teaching Archer:

“I chose Archer to be student of the month because he has been doing an amazing job in his lessons. He is continually making rapid progress in both reading music and in his proficiency of the bass guitar.”

Archer F