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Jun 27, 2024

Student of the Month – Elsa C

Our Student of the Month (June 2024) is Elsa C., who takes Drum lessons at Bach to Rock East Marietta. Read the Q&As below to find out more about her!

Elsa C

Q: What inspired you to play music?

A: Everyone in my family plays instruments, and my grandpa gave us a piano which my brother and I used to learn

Q: What is your favorite style of music?

A:  My favorite style of music is Heavy Metal

Q: Who is your favorite artist and why?

A: Igorrr, for their music which incorporates different styles and instruments with unique sounds.

Elsa CQ: What is your favorite song to play?

A: Heartbreaker – Pat Benatar

Q: What are you learning right now in your lessons?

A: We are currently working on the train beat, while we review basic syncopation. In the side we’re startling our next song, Drive – Incubus

Q: What are you most looking forward to learning/performing?

A: I am excited to learn more styles of music with complex rhythms on each body part.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about Bach to Rock?

A: My favorite thing about Bach to Rock is the flexibility and unique teaching styles of each teacher, who consistently adapt to make the best teacher for the students.

Q: What is your favorite thing about your teacher?

A: My teacher, Mr. Scott, is pushing me out of my comfort zone, and in turn I become a better musician. He quickly adapted to my own faults and started attacking them immediately.

Q: What do you enjoy doing when you’re not playing music?

A: My other extracurricular activities include volleyball, visual arts, and writing.

Mr. Scott has been Elsa’s Drum Teacher since May 2023, and has shared his thoughts on teaching Elsa:

“Elsa is student of the month because of her commitment to taking up drums and improving every week. Elsa works hard in and out of class and has soared to level 3 of drums in a very short time. She impressively shows how far a little bit of daily practice can take you!”

Elsa C