For Liam, B2R is More Than Guitar Lessons

Liam W., age 16, primarily plays guitar, but also plays electric bass, double bass & drums. He is enrolled in guitar lessons, band, & Battle of the Bands contests at Bach to Rock Lutz.
When Liam was in 4th grade, he began teaching himself guitar and ukulele. Fast forward to 2022, and Liam is playing guitar in his church band, and electric bass and stand-up bass in his high school orchestra. Plus, he’s in the B2R band, Actual Purgatory. Liam’s mom, Shelley, thanks B2R for helping him grow as a guitarist, performer and songwriter since he started at B2R three years ago.
Considering Liam’s diverse interest in music, and especially in learning to play guitar, Shelley said, “I chose B2R for Liam because it didn’t seem like a ‘traditional’ music school. It looked like a fun place to learn the type of music he wanted to play. We weren’t disappointed when we walked through the door. The owner and instructors had a great vibe. That was three years ago and Liam’s still loving it!”
Liam’s learning experience has gone beyond guitar. “Liam has connected with his teachers, who have become mentors. Additionally, he is very enthusiastic talking about different genres of music and playing different songs he learned. His instructor introduced him to jazz and blues, giving him a broader range of the types of music he was playing,” Shelley added.
Liam has made wonderful friends at B2R, including Swathi S., who is also in Actual Purgatory. The band members have developed a friendship, “…kindled by the music they play, and they have learned to work within a group,” said Shelley.
“Let your child lead with what they’re interested in,” Shelley continued. It’s proven to be a good decision that’s led to great growth for Liam.
Back to Rock is proud to help all students on their musical journey. To find out more about music lessons in your area, find your closest Bach to Rock location.