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Jun 04, 2020

June 8, 2020 Reopening Policies and Protocol

Bach to Rock Naperville will be opening the school on June 8th for in person lessons! Be assured we are putting guidelines in place to keep everyone safe and healthy.

New Mandatory Policies at Bach to Rock for Instructors, Students, Parents and Administrative Staff:

  1. Increased cleaning frequency, with disinfectant, emphasizing frequently touched surfaces and common areas to meet CDC guidelines. 
  2. Face coverings MUST be worn at all times while in the school.  
  3. Social distancing of at least 6 feet must be maintained at all times. We have set up our lesson and rehearsals rooms to be able to maintain this distance. We will also be using vinyl dividers to separate singers and other students.  
  4. Our waiting room and lobby will be CLOSED.  Parents must wait for their students in their cars. STUDENTS SHOULD REMAIN IN THEIR PARENTS’ CARS UNTIL THEIR LESSON TIME BEFORE ENTERING THE BUILDING.  Students that arrive early will be required to return to their parents’ cars until the time for their lesson.  
  5. All rescheduling or other business will be done by phone or via email.  
  6. For safety reasons, Bach to Rock will no longer be providing microphones for private and group students and will be required to bring their own microphone.  Students will not be allowed to share microphones.  
  7. Students will be given the option to do lessons, camps and birthday parties in personor to continue lessons remotely through ZOOM.  
  8. We will no longer be providing loaner instruments or equipment to students (with the exception of guitars, bass guitars, keyboards and drum sets, which will be disinfected between uses). This includes: drumsticks, guitar picks, and hand percussion.  We encourage students to use their own guitars and bass guitars whenever possible. 
  9. If a student, teacher or staff member (or anyone living in their household) has ANY symptoms of illness, even if you do not believe it to be related to Covid-19, they should not come to Bach to Rock and they will not be allowed in the facility.  Parents, please do not send your student to Bach to Rock if they do not feel well; any student who shows signs of illness while at Bach to Rock will be sent home.   
  10. Anyone who enters Bach to Rock will have their temperature checked by an infrared thermometer.  Anyone with an elevated temperature will be asked to leave.  
  11. Whenever possible, teachers will have one lesson room for each day and some students' may have to switch private lesson teachers to ensure our staff can stay in one room.  If this applies to your student, you will be contacted before returning to the school for in person lessons to discuss.
  12. We will be reinstating our 24-hour cancellation policy.  However, if you or your student are not feeling well, and are able to participate just let us know in advance and we will schedule the lesson for that day through ZOOM.  
  13. Parents will sign updated waivers BEFORE their student’s first in-person lesson. To sign the new updated waivers, please log in to MyB2R. You will then be prompted to read, review and sign the new waivers. PLEASE SIGN BEFORE SENDING YOUR STUDENT TO Bach to Rock. No student will participate in any in-person B2R related activity until the waivers have been signed.


Join us this summer for lessons, camps and parties either online or in person!

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