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Apr 30, 2020

Featured Teacher – Mike

Featured Teacher - Mike

Mike, known at B2R as “Mr. Mike”, began his journey as a Bach to Rock music instructor in January 2018 and it wouldn’t be long before he became a very important member of the B2R family!

Mike is a graduate of SUNY Albany and a multi-instrumentalist who teaches various instruments and classes ranging from Guitar and Ukulele to Saxophone and Early Education. Mike coaches 3 bands, performs at various B2R events each year and teaches more lessons than any other teacher at B2R!

He is known at B2R for his positive and upbeat attitude and carries out the B2R method of making learning music fun! Mike adds, “My favorite part about working at Bach to Rock is watching my students grow in their confidence.” We want to thank Mike for his dedication and love for music education and for helping us keep the music alive during this time through virtual lessons.

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